From Poorer To Richer, 120 People Tell Their Stories To Help Australians

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9th December 2008, 11:08am - Views: 829


                                          CONTACT INFORMATION:

Tuesday 9th December 2008                                          

From Poorer to Richer, 120 People tell Their Stories to Help

Australians become Richer

Owen Jackson has designed a system where anyone regardless of their income level can

now start to learn how to increase their income by listening to interviews he conducts

with successful people.

Owen interviews successful people around Australia and the world on how they have

managed to make and increase their money and puts these audio interviews on a website

for everyone to listen to.

Owen states “people want to increase their income but don’t know how. So I decided to

interview successful people who started with nothing or little money and get them to state

the exact steps on how they managed to increase their income and put these interviews on

a website, so everyone can learn this information”.

The interviews cover topics like real estate investing, share market investing, internet

marketing, making money on Ebay and more.

“So far we have interviewed or had over 120 people contribute information to our site,

like well known media names Rick Otton and Tracy Harvey and we are adding more

interviews from other people each month for people to listen to”.

And now Owen has launched Australia’s first ‘Wealth Creation Swap Club’ through his

website. This is where people can swap their resources like books, Video’s, CD’s, DVD’s

and more on the subject of wealth creation with other people or through his large library

of ‘making money’ resources valued at over $12,000.

“The Swap Club is very powerful because it saves people thousands of dollars and they

no longer have to buy any new resources on the subject of wealth creation-they just swap

their existing materials”.

Belinda Pritchard, a member of the Swap Club states “I have saved myself $695 so far by

swapping my resources rather than buying new materials”.

For further media enquiries or interviews please contact Owen Jackson on

0417346514 or


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