Ifmr Capital And Equitas Conclude First-ever Rated Securitisation Of Micro Loans In India

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10th March 2009, 02:21am - Views: 855

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IFMR Capital and Equitas Conclude First-Ever Rated Securitisation of Micro Loans

in India

MUMBAI, Mar. 9 /PRNewswire-AsiaNet/ -

    In a path breaking deal in the micro-finance sector, IFMR Capital and

Equitas Micro Finance India Pvt Ltd (Equitas) have completed the first rated

micro loan pool backed securitisation with a principal amount of pass-through

certificates (PTCs or securities) equal to Rs. 157 million. The underlying

loan portfolio comprises priority sector urban micro loans originated by

Equitas with final maturity in October 2010. IFMR Capital structured and

arranged the innovative securitisation transaction after a comprehensive

analysis of Equitas and the loan portfolio, based on its underwriting


    Capital Structure of Securitisation


    PTC            Yield      Principal Principal % Expected Legal     Rating

                   Terms                            Maturity Final

                              (Rs. mn)              (Months) Maturity



    Series A1      Fixed      125.4     80%         14       20        AA(so)

    Series A2      Residual   31.3      20%         20       20        BBB(so)

    Cash                      18.3      11.7% of    n/a      20        Unrated

    Collateral                          issue size

                                        of PTCs

    CRISIL has rated the Series A1 and Series A2 pass through certificates,

AA(so) and BBB(so), respectively. The PTCs will be issued by a special

purpose vehicle, IFMR Trust Pioneer I ( SPV), set up specifically for the

purpose of this securitisation. The securities are backed by microfinance

loan receivables originated by Equitas. IFMR Capital, the sole structurer and

arranger, provides mezzanine financing in the form of an investment in 100%

of the BBB(so) rated Series A2 securities, while, the AA(so) rated securities

have been fully underwritten by a bank investor..

    For credit enhancement, Equitas provided a first loss facility in the

form of cash collateral equal to 11.7% of the principal amount of the

portfolio. This cash collateral together with the excess interest spread

being trapped in the SPV are used to cover any shortfall in repayments on the

AA(so) and BBB (so) securities. The investors in the AA (so) rated Series A1

PTCs are further protected by the junior BBB (so) rated Series A2 PTCs, which

comprise 20% of the issue size.

    This transaction is structured such that the interests of all parties:

the originator, Equitas, the structurer and mezzanine finance provider, IFMR

Capital and the senior bank investor are aligned to incentivise good due

diligence and performance of the underlying micro-loan portfolio.

    While unrated microloan portfolio buyouts have been a common source of

financing for some MFIs, this landmark transaction represents the first rated

securitisation of microfinance loans in India. This transaction is expected

to open-up new sources of debt capital such as mutual funds, foreign banks

and NBFCs, for microfinance institutions.

Business Finance IFMR Capital 2 image

    The senior AA(so) rated series A1 PTCs has evinced strong interest from

domestic banks, which find this security attractive from a risk return

perspective. Moreover, with the advent of the new Basel -2 capital adequacy

regime in 2010, we believe banks will find more and more value in these rated

micro-loan securitised PTCs.

    "The deal is in tune with IFMR Capital's goal of "creating valuable new

asset classes, increasing marketability of asset classes to a broader

universe of investors and expanding access to capital for micro-finance

institutions," said Sucharita Mukherjee, Senior Vice President, IFMR Trust

and CEO, IFMR Capital.

    "This will be the blueprint for further securitisations and a benchmark

for other MFIs," she added.

    On this occasion, S. Bhaskar, COO, Equitas said "This rated

securitization transaction will help Equitas diversify its sources of funding

and enable Equitas to offer micro-credit at reduced cost to a larger section

of the population."

    About IFMR Capital

    IFMR Capital is a non-banking finance company based in Chennai, whose

mission is to provide efficient and reliable access to capital for

institutions that impact poor households. IFMR Capital acts as a bridge to

mainstream capital markets for under-served sectors such as microfinance

institutions, small and medium enterprises and agri-commodity backed


    IFMR Capital will develop smooth and efficient access to capital markets

by creating transparent criteria for evaluation of these new asset classes,

standardizing investment structures, and using financial structuring tools to

generate high quality assets leading to price discovery, liquidity and growth

in these new markets. This will enable institutions in critically important

sectors to reach out to new sets of investors thereby expanding the sources

of capital available to them.

    About Equitas

    Equitas Micro Finance India (P) Ltd aims to extend micro

credit to people who are otherwise unable to access finance from the

mainstream banking channels. Equitas commenced business in December 2007 with

the objective of making available finance at reasonable cost and in a

transparent manner to women who are engaged in micro enterprise activities.

    Equitas has 65 branches with portfolio outstanding of Rs.1,850.7 million

as on December 31, 2008, and net worth of Rs.630.2 million as on September

30, 2008. In the first year of operations, Equitas has crossed 300,000

clients and received an mfR3 grading from Crisil; the highest for a

microfinance company in its first year of operations.


    For press queries, please contact:

    Anand Sahasranaman (

    +91 44 43051524

    +91 9790965026

    Source: IFMR Capital

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