International Recruitment Consultancy Takes Advantage of Banking Sector Recovery.
DELHI, India, May 4 /PRNewswire-AsiaNet/ --
The major banks are slowly ramping up investment on recruitment, an indication that recovery for the global
banking sector may well be on the horizon.
Over the past quarter, Huxley Associates, a leading financial services recruitment consultancy, has
recorded an average rise of almost 10% per month in the number of placements it has made in the banking
sector, across its network of offices.
This positive changing face of global banking has facilitated the opening this week of the company's first
office in Delhi, a venture that will respond to the demand from the banking community for high level banking
technology professionals in the region.
Globally the number of placements that Huxley Associates has made has increased slowly but steadily on a
monthly basis since January and looks set to continue. This thawing of the international recruitment freeze
imposed by the majority of the major financial institutions is a sure sign that the sector is beginning to recover.
Furthermore, Huxley's expansion into India at this time will enable the consultancy firm to develop its
service further to global financial institutions, as the Director at Huxley New York, Morgan Kavanagh explains:
"This is another piece of very positive news. It's great to see Huxley Associates continuing to deliver on its
aggressive growth plans. Our increasing global reach enables us to deliver our dedicated service at a local
level to meet the needs of global organisations who are increasingly
looking for multi-shore staffing specialists. "
This latest venture follows demand in India for a specialist recruitment consultancy that can deliver a client-
focused model and source senior banking technology candidates from all over the world. While there are
many high-volume, low-level staffing agencies in the country, Huxley Associates is among the first senior-level
specialist recruitment consultancies with a global reach to establish a local presence in the region.
Annil Chandel, India Country Director at Huxley, said: "Our increasing global reach makes us a more
serious contender at a local level and we are confident that we will soon develop a solid reputation with client
companies across India."
About Huxley Associates
Huxley Associates is a leading international recruitment consultancy in banking & finance as well as other
sectors, with offices in 10 countries across North America, Europe and East Asia.
Source: Huxley Associates