Itau Unibanco Holding S.a.(*) Announcement To The Market 1

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19th May 2009, 01:02am - Views: 780

Business Finance Itau Unibanco Holding S.A. 1 image

Itau Unibanco Holding S.A.(*) Announcement to the Market

SAO PAULO, May 18 /PRNewswire-AsiaNet/ --

                  Standardization of Trading Symbols - ITUB 

    As from May 2009, the New York Stock Exchange has authorized listed

companies to use four letters in their trading symbols (denominated

"tickers"). In the light of this decision, Itau Unibanco Holding S.A.

decided to standardize the "tickers" on all the stock exchanges where it

is listed.  

    This measure facilitates comparability in the three capital markets

in which the company's securities are negotiated and better reflects the


between Itau and Unibanco. 

    Itau Unibanco Holding S.A. therefore announces to the market that all

trading symbols are to be changed simultaneously on all stock exchanges

on which the company's securities are negotiated, as follows: 


                                         Up to May 19     As from May 20 


    Non-voting Shares - BM&FBovespa (Brazil)   ITAU4             ITUB4    

Common Shares - BM&FBovespa (Brazil)           ITAU3             ITUB3    

ADR's - NYSE (USA)                               ITU              ITUB    

Cedear's - Merval (Argentina)                  ITAU4             ITUB4  

    Sao Paulo (SP), May 18 2009. 



    Investor Relations Officer 


    (*) The new company name of Itau Unibanco Banco Multiplo S.A.,

pending ratification by the Brazilian Central Bank. 


SOURCE: Itau Unibanco Holding S.A. 


     CONTACT:  Geraldo Soares, 

               Itau Unibanco Holding, 





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