National Institute Of Accountants' Board Appointments

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3rd November 2008, 02:03pm - Views: 922
Greg Dennis was voted in to serve his third term as president of the National Institute of Accountants at Friday's board meeting.

Christine Leetham will continue in her role as deputy president while Kevin Dawes will now perform the role of treasurer and Russell Hillard the role of vice president.

NIA chief executive officer Roger Cotton said that he welcomed those director's that had moved into their new roles and congratulated those who continued in their existing positions.

NIA Board of Directors

President Greg Dennis FPNA
Deputy presidentChristine Leetham PNA
Vice-presidentRussell Hillard PNA
TreasurerKevin Dawes FPNA
Graham Holland FPNA
Glenn Mann FPNA
Rene Mora FPNA
Jason Parker PNA
Greg Parr FPNA
Marc Ting FPNA
Alex Wilson OAM FPNA
Nordin Zain FPNA

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