Nikko Asset Management Co., Ltd. Releases Investment Simulation Game "country Pick" In China In Addi

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9th December 2009, 10:30pm - Views: 781

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Nikko Asset Management Co., Ltd. Releases Investment Simulation Game "Country Pick" in China in

Addition to Japan

TOKYO, Dec. 9 /Kyodo JBN-AsiaNet/ --

    Nikko Asset Management Co., Ltd. (Nikko AM), a leading Japan-based asset management company,

announced today that it will release "Country Pick" in China in addition to Japan. 

    "Country Pick" is an investment simulation game developed by Nikko AM that gives participants the

opportunity to experience managing money free of charge. Participants will incorporate fictional index funds

linked to the equities markets of countries and regions targeted for investment with a virtual investment (100

million RMB in the China version), and compete in terms of investment performance for a year on the Internet.

Participants will not invest in individual foreign issues. They need only to decide the country/region and their

ratios from the list of 31 investment targets, and construct a portfolio. The system is designed so that even

those people with little experience in managing equity investments can easily participate. "Country Pick" has

been developed to provide participants with the opportunity to experience global asset allocation free of

charge and familiarize themselves with investment. In China, the exclusive website for the competition was

launched on December 9 in cooperation with Rongtong Fund Management Co., Ltd. Participants can easily

participate in the competition starting from January 2010 by simply constructing a portfolio online. In Japan,

the number of participants has already reached 3,000, demonstrating the high level of interest. Please take

this opportunity to win prizes such as study trip to Tokyo by competing in terms of investment performance

with individual investors in China and overseas.

    SOURCE: Nikko Asset Management Co., Ltd.


    Murooka / Tsuboi

    Corporate Communications Department

    Nikko Asset Management Co., Ltd.

    Phone: +81-3-6447-6426



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