Solar and Environmental Technologies Corp. Awarded 'Excellence in the Field of
Environment Technology Development'
NEW YORK, Apr. 9 /PRNewswire-AsiaNet/ --
On March 20th, Solar and Environmental Technologies Corp.
(Solar - ETC) received the First Place Award for "Excellence in the Field of
Environmental Technology Development" at the CleanEquity Monaco 2009 Emerging
Technology Conference held in Monaco. The award was granted in recognition of
Solar - ETC's CENICOM Solar Thermal Power Technology with Long Term Storage.
Solar - ETC has completed the construction of a 146 kW Demo Project at its
facilities in Tianjin, China. Commissioning ceremonies will be held on or
about May 8, 2009.
The event was principally organized by Innovator Capital Ltd. The
trophies of "Excellence in the Field of Environmental Technology Research",
"Excellence in the Field of Environmental Technology Development" and
"Excellence in the Field of Environmental Technology Commercialization" were
awarded prior to the conclusion of the conference.
The trophies were presented to the representatives of the winning
companies by Prince Albert II of Monaco.
CleanEquity Monaco is a high profile annual conference aimed at
promoting the development of environmental technology in the global
marketplace. The event offers a platform for many dynamic and prominent
environmental technology companies from all over the world to present and
showcase their advanced technologies and products to a large audience of
institutional and private investors, and mainstream media. As one of the 37
companies invited, Solar ETC was honored to present its state of art,
patented technology, the CENICOM* System, at the conference.
*CENICOM is an advanced, concentrating solar thermal system with
long term (days) storage that provides utility scale power on demand. For
SOURCE Solar and Environmental Technologies Corp.
CONTACT: Haowei Zhang of Solar and Environmental Technologies