Strzelecki Metals Limited(asx:stz) Myszkow Project Concession Extension Imminent

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22nd April 2010, 01:40pm - Views: 1066

Strzelecki's Myszkow Project Concession Extension Imminent


Thursday, 22 April 2010

Minerals exploration and development Company, Strzelecki Metals Limited (ASX: STZ) announced today that extension of the Company's concession over the Myszkow Molybdenum-Copper Project, based in Southern Poland, was imminent. The Myszkow Project is one of the largest undeveloped molybdenum projects in the world and is strategically located in central Europe. Extension of the concession signifies an important milestone in the progression of the Company's prospect.

Following a formal letter from the Polish Ministry, requiring acknowledgement and return by Strzelecki's management, the concession extension will likely be formalised within a month. This concession extension follows interest from major mining and resource companies as well as financial institutions. Several companies have already inspected the site and conveyed that an indicated resource estimate and pre-feasibility study would facilitate further interest.

It has also become evident that Strzelecki's progress is being closely monitored by a number of significant players in Europe and around the world, both in respect of the Myszkow deposit and for the Kupfershiefer basin, highly perspective for copper and situated some 100 kilometres north west of Myszkow.

Strzelecki has recently modified its approach to the Kupferschiefer basin, where part of its original application was 'over pegged' by the Polish copper conglomerate KGHM Miedz Polska SA, after recognition of Strzelecki.s leading activity in the area. Strzelecki continues to consult with State and Local Government in regards to its applications and further details will be announced to the market as they progress.

In commenting on this milestone in the Company's progression and its position as a leading explorer in Southern Poland, Dr John Santich, Director, said:

"Strzelecki is pleased with the progress that is currently being made at the Myszkow deposit. We have very recently received promising metallurgical and geophysical reports, on which we will update shareholders and the market shortly."

Dr Santich also commented on the recent commencement of molybdenum trading on the LME and implications for Strzelecki.

"The commencement of molybdenum trading on the London Metals Exchange (LME) in February this year brings certainty and confidence into the market for this metal."
"The availability of futures contracts on molybdenum is certainly a positive for up and coming molybdenum producers, such as Strzelecki."

For further information please visit: or contact Rod North, Bourse Communications (03) 9510 8309 or 0408 670 706.

SOURCE: Strzelecki Metals Limited (ASX:STZ)

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