The Investment Clock Moves On-history Shows Index Of 10,000 A Real Possibility

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22nd December 2009, 01:09pm - Views: 732

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THE INVESTMENT CLOCK MOVES ON History shows an index of 10,000 is

a real possibility

Financial markets are now in the Recovery Phase, with economic data continuing to show anticipated

improvement in business, consumer and GDP growth likely to become more positive into 2010/2011.

The sharemarket has recovered by almost 52 per cent, since its low point of 3109 in March 2009,

bringing the All Ordinaries Index ever closer to 5,000. Who knows, one day we may even see an index of


On The Investment Clock we appear to have moved past 7 o'clock towards 8 o’clock, where interest

rates reached the bottom of the cycle and are now moving back to a more normal setting. It is expected

that the cash rate will end up between 4.5 and 5.5 per cent in 2010. In recent months we have also

witnessed a stabilisation in the labour market, with unemployment as a lagging indicator, now likely to

peak closer to 6.5%. Australia has managed to weather the recessionary storm better than most other

industrialised countries. Many companies are likely to report sustained or increased earnings after a

year and a half of tightening and consolidation in order to be positioned to take advantage of the

Recovery Phase.

2010/2011 offers some real prospects for positive GDP growth returning, which will also be assisted by

the major economies around the world recovering. 


The ASX 200 recovered 1561 points of its 3731-point fall in 2009

140 stocks  in the ASX 200 rally over 100 per cent from bottom to top

Banks have no toxic assets. CBA rallies 134 per cent, ANZ 113 per cent, NAB 104 per cent, Westpac

91 per cent and Macquarie Bank 292 per cent from lows

BHP up 59 per cent and RIO 175 per cent 

Half of 2009 market rally was due to only two shares, BHP and the CBA

91 per cent of market rally due to just 20 shares

The other 480 stocks in the All Ords is up just 2.2 per cent on average

Market is still down to 32 per cent from the top, achieved in November 2007. 

For more information visit or contact

Rod North, Managing Director, Bourse Communications on (03) 9510 8309 or 0408 670 706

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