Top Rankings For Itc In Asian Sustainability Rating

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10th December 2009, 01:45am - Views: 717

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Top Rankings for ITC in Asian Sustainability Rating

KOLKATA, Dec. 9/ PRNewswire-AsiaNet/--

    ITC Ltd ranked 2nd among top companies in India and 7th in

Asia in the first of its kind Asian Sustainability Rating (ASR(TM)) released

by CSR Asia recently.

    The ASR(TM) is CSR Asia's proprietary research, which ranks

the 200 largest listed companies in ten markets operating in Asia Pacific on

their sustainability disclosure. The ten countries included in the ASR(TM)

are: Australia, China, Hong Kong, India, Japan, Malaysia, Pakistan,

Philippines, Singapore and Thailand.

    In a world where transparency and accountability are

increasingly important, this is the first Asian based analysis of the largest

companies in the region, allowing investors and other stakeholders to

understand the economic, social and governance activities of listed

companies. 51 indicators were used to score each of the companies under six

indicator section headings which included Governance and Policy; Strategy and

Communication; Marketplace and Supply chain, Workplace and people,

Environment & Community and Development.

    ITC's extensive Sustainability initiatives have contributed to creating

livelihoods for more than 5 million people. These endeavours are exemplified

in large scale projects such as the ITC e-Choupal initiative which empowers 4

million farmers, its social and farm forestry programme that covers over

100,000 hectares and integrated watershed development projects that provide

irrigation to over 47,000 hectares. ITC's initiatives in the catchment areas

of its operations also include the creation of sustainable livelihoods

through programmes such as animal husbandry covering over 3,00,000 lakh milch

animals. ITC's supplementary education programme has benefited over 2,00,000

lakh children and the Company's women empowerment initiative has helped in

creating over 20,000 rural women entrepreneurs.

    The Company's strategic choice to achieve triple bottom line performance

has also enabled it to become the only company in the world of its size to be

`Carbon positive' sequestering twice the carbon it emits, Water positive'

harvesting two times more rainwater than its net consumption and Solid waste

recycling positive.

    The Asian Sustainability Rating details are available at :

    For details on ITC's Sustainability Initiatives, log on to :

    Contacts: Mr Nazeeb Arif, Vice President-Corporate Communications ITC Ltd 


    Source: ITC LIMITED

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