Trustee Corporations Association Welcomes New National Regulatory Regime

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5th May 2010, 01:21pm - Views: 1085

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of Australia




ANZ Trustees

Australian Executor


Equity Trustees

National Australia


New South Wales

Trustee and Guardian


Public Trustee for the

Australian Capital


Public Trustee for the

Northern Territory

The Public Trustee of


Public Trustee

South Australia

The Public Trustee


Public Trustee

Western Australia

Sandhurst Trustees

State Trustees


Tasmanian Perpetual





Level 7, 34 Hunter Street, SYDNEY  NSW  2000

GPO Box 1595, SYDNEY  NSW  2001

Telephone:  (02) 9221 1983

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    5 May 2010

Trustee Corporations Association  

Welcomes New National Regulatory Regime 

The Trustee Corporations Association, the industry peak

representative body, welcomes the commencement on 6 May of the

Financial Services Modernisation Act, which introduces a new national

regulatory regime for trustee companies. 

TCA National President Tony Fitzgerald (Managing Director of State

Trustees Ltd) said “the move to Commonwealth legislation will

eliminate the inconsistencies between current State and Territory

legislation, promote greater efficiency and create a genuine national

market in the provision of traditional trustee company services, such

as the administration of deceased estates and the management of

personal trusts.”

The new regime, with regulation by the Australian Securities and

Investments Commission, will entail robust licensing and ongoing

operating standards to ensure participants have the necessary

resources and expertise to properly conduct trust and estate activities.

Also, clients will have added protection in terms of fee disclosure

arrangements and access to an ASIC approved dispute resolution


Mr Fitzgerald said “the TCA appreciates the opportunity to operate

nationally under a single licence with a single regulator” and added

that “the industry acknowledges the consultative approach taken by

the Government when developing the new regime.” 


For further information, please contact: Tony Fitzgerald, TCA National President, on (03) 9667 6344, Ross Ellis,

TCA Executive Director, on (02) 9221 1983 or Jonathan Atkin, Executive Committee Member (02) 8295-8910

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Background Information

The Trustee Corporations Association (TCA), formed in 1947, is the peak

representative body for the trustee corporations industry in Australia.  

Its main objectives are to: 

represent and advance the interests of member statutory trustee

corporations with government, regulators and the wider public 

serve as a forum for discussion on matters of mutual interest to members

ensure that an adequate training program in the Personal Trust field is

available to members

provide centralised services for members, including maintenance of

industry data

The Association represents 16 organisations, comprising all 8 Public Trust

Offices and the great majority of the 10 private statutory trustee corporations. 

The Association operates out of premises in Sydney.  It is controlled by a

National Council, which comprises the Chief Executive Officer or another senior

executive of each member institution, and an Executive Committee, made up of

a small group of those persons.

Member products and services

In the 1870s, Governments first enacted legislation to extend the role of

executor or administrator of a deceased estate, traditionally taken on by a

natural person, to licensed trustee corporations.  

This was to benefit the public by providing greater expertise and resources than

are available from an individual, together with perpetual succession to a client

establishing a long-term trust.

Within the next decade, most of the trustee corporations that are currently

authorised under relevant State and Territory law were established.  

Today, trustee corporations provide a wide range of wealth management

products and services to individual, family and corporate clients, including:

Traditional personal wealth management

Wealth protection and transfer


estate planning and writing wills


acting as executor of deceased estates


establishing, and acting as trustee of, personal trusts,

including testamentary trusts


administering client assets under Powers of Attorney

Protecting vulnerable members of the community 


acting as financial manager or guardian, usually under a Court or Tribunal

order, for persons unable to look after their own affairs, including minors and

the intellectually-disabled 




Administering charitable trusts and foundations 


including for medical research, galleries, museums, and education


Other personal business


trustee or administrator for small superannuation funds


providing tax advice and preparing tax returns


financial planning

Funds management


offering most types of unit trusts and common funds

Corporate activities


registry and custodial operations 


trustee for debenture and convertible note issues


securitisation facilities 


compliance monitoring


trustee or administrator for retail superannuation funds

Industry statistics

In aggregate, trustee corporations have over $500 billion of assets under

administration or management, and capital resources of about $1 billion.  

TCA members manage about 2,000 charitable trusts and foundations with

assets of about $3.3 billion; in 2008/09 they distributed about $180 million to

worthy causes as grants from those trusts and foundations or directly as part of

deceased estate administrations.

They employ over 3,600 staff in almost 90 offices located in all States and

Territories of Australia. 

Almost 2 million Australians have their wills recorded with trustee corporations.  

Each year trustee corporations:


write about 60,000 wills and powers of attorney


administer about 9,000 deceased estates


administer assets under agency arrangements or Court / Tribunal

orders for about 44,000 people 


prepare over 40,000 tax returns


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