Us Real Estate Markets Moving Toward Recovery

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20th May 2010, 01:12am - Views: 996

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US Real Estate Markets Moving Toward Recovery

CORAL GABLES, Fla., May 19 /PRNewswire-AsiaNet/ --

    The US economy is recovering and it is beginning to show in job growth.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics reported an increase of 290,000 jobs for

April. The largest share, 27.5% was in professional and business services

with 80,000 new jobs. The federal government followed with 66,000 new

temporary workers to assist with the decennial census. Health care also grew,

adding 20,000 workers and increasing its year-to-date total to 244,000. For

the year, employment has expanded by 573,000 with 483,000 or 84% added to the

private sector.

    (Photo: )

    (Photo: )

    Meanwhile, unemployment increased from 9.7% to 9.9%, which oddly is a

"good" sign. The increase is the result of people re-entering the employment

market; meaning the economy is starting to recover in earnest. Thus far, the

data is reflecting the traditional pattern of a slowly recovering economy.

    Looking at past recessions the 1980s appears to be the most similar. It

was capital constrained much like we are today. In the 1990s we were

over-built and had the S & L crisis to resolve. The cry was "stay alive to

'95." In early 2000 we had the dot com crisis and accounting scandals.

Looking at the recession of the early 1980s as a guide, it may be 3 years or

more before life begins to feel like "normal." The recession of the 1980s

lasted 16 months running from July 1981 to November 1982. As a result of that

downturn, unemployment peaked in November of 1982 at 10.8%. From that point

it took 38 months for the economy to fully recover and for unemployment to

fall below 7.0%. It was another 10 months before the economy was consistently

below 7.0%. So, full recovery this cycle is likely 3 years away with an

optimal selling period 3 to 4 years away at the earliest. Current signals

suggest now is an optimal buying period.

    Thus far, the current economy is consistent with expected patterns and

our forecasts. Other data is also suggesting recovery. This is further

illustrated in the most recently available quarterly data extracted from the

National Council of Real Estate Investment Fiduciaries (NCREIF). Beginning in

the second quarter of 2009, decreases in total returns began to steadily

abate, and as of the most recent quarter turned slightly positive. This

offers another strong signal that the market has reached bottom and is

beginning to turn upward. This is also a strong signal that we are entering

an optimal buying period.

    With the use of our research Blumberg Capital Partners, our parent

organization recognized this cyclical pattern early, and sold its assets

between 2006 and 2008, near the cycle peak and closed its prior Fund. Now the

trend is reflecting a market nearing bottom and moving toward recovery. In

response, Philip Blumberg CEO of Blumberg Capital Partners is launching a new

fund, the Blumberg Strategic Asset Fund and is again looking to acquire


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    Media Contact: Bill Hemingway

    Media Contact #: 305-569-0800

     SOURCE: Blumberg Capital Partners

    CONTACT: Bill Hemingway



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