What I Didn't Learn From My Finance Broker But Wish I Had...

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18th March 2009, 06:06pm - Views: 1002

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What I didn’t learn from my finance broker but wish I had…

…now that I’m a property millionaire. Without finance virtually everything you see wouldn’t be

possible. Every successful businessperson and company gets finance to fund new


21st Century Education CEO Jamie McIntyre, has written another major title in the 21st

Century Education series - What I didn’t learn from my finance broker, but wish I had -

containing almost 200 pages of tips your finance broker is unlikely to pass on to you.

McIntyre has been lobbying Governments for years

to have a financial education taught in schools to

empower the youth of Australia financially. He recently

returned from a trip to Los Angeles with Sir Richard

Branson, gaining Sir Richard’s endorsement to assist in

his endeavours to ensure a financial education is

taught in schools.

McIntyre’s new book is written to appeal to people

with no previous understanding of finance. Topics

covered include: how YOU can accelerate paying off

your 25 year mortgage in less than 10 years, saving

000’s of dollars in unnecessary interest payments.

How YOU can eliminate personal debt FAST, how

debt can make YOU rich, how to avoid the pitfalls of

lending providers, how to prevent brokers and banks

taking advantage of you, how to secure up to ten or

more properties within 10-years or less, how to turn

negatively geared property into positively geared

property within 30 to 60 days & how to beat the banks at their own game.

McIntyre highlights in this how YOU can become rich.

McIntyre exposes lending practices consumers should be aware of by highlighting

immoral, unethical & illegal practices used by finance brokers that YOU NEED to AVOID. 

“I never became a property millionaire by learning off finance brokers or taking their

advice! Most finance brokers are not trained and are only sales people working for a

commission.” McIntyre informs his readers.

What I didn’t learn from my finance broker but wish I had, is a unique and valuable guide

for anybody contemplating real estate investment - but don’t tell your finance broker about the

information you will learn in this book! 

21st Century Education have a range of books by Jamie McIntyre available, including:

What I didn't learn at school but wish I had

What I didn't learn from my real estate agent but wish I had

What I didn't learn from my financial planner but wish I had

What I didn’t learn from Google but wish I had

What I didn’t learn from my finance broker but wish I had

These books are available in leading bookstores including Newslink, Borders, Dymocks and

Angus and Robertson or from:

Journalists wanting a review copy of the book can visit: http://www.21stcenturyfinance.com.au

and download or order a free copy by emailing the author mailto:jmcintyre@21stca.com.au or

phone 0400205549

For further information: Phone: 1800 999 270       email - customerservice@21stca.com.au

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