World Economists Focus On Government Role In Resource-based Industries

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2nd February 2010, 03:41pm - Views: 834

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ABN: 96 079 246 304


Tuesday 2nd February 2010


Cathy Reade 



0413 575 934

World Economists Focus on Government Role in Resource-Based Industries

Over 350 local and international economists will converge on Adelaide next week to progress key

local and global issues of concern to government and the agriculture and natural resource

management sectors.

The largest ever Annual Conference of the Australian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society

(AARES) will be held at the Adelaide Convention Centre from the 10 to 12 February, with the

theme Government Roles in Resource-Based Industries in an Interconnected World.

Key issues include emerging challenges in climate change, government policy in water and trade,

globalization of supermarkets, the rise of corporate farming, and agriculture and global economic


Eminent speakers can explain their topics for the layperson including:

Steve Polasky, Professor, University of Minnesota and member of the USA EPA speaking on

Coming Down to Earth: Valuing Nature for Better Decisions

Derek Byerlee, an Australian Member of the CGIAR Science Council presenting on

Globalisation and the Rise of Corporate Farms

Jeffrey LaFrance, Professor, Washington State University speaking on Understanding the US

Demand for Food, Nutrition and Health, 1910-2007

Will Martin, the Australian Research Manager of the Rural Development Unit, World Bank

speaking on Promoting Global Agricultural Growth and Poverty Reduction

Prabhu Pingali, Deputy Director, Agricultural Development, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation

speaking on Promoting Agriculture Renaissance through Strategic Philanthropy

Peter Timmer, Thomas D. Cabot Professor of Development Studies, Emeritus, Harvard

University speaking on What are the Lessons from Agricultural Development in Asia?

Kym Anderson, George Gollin Professor of Economics, University of Adelaide and advisor to

the World Bank presenting on Distortions to Global Agricultural Markets: What next?

Julian Alston, the Australian Professor in Agricultural and Resource Economics at the

University of California, Davis speaking on Agricultural Productivity in the USA

John Freebairn, Professor, University of Melbourne speaking on Markets, Government &


Mike Young, Professor & Director, The Environment Institute, The University of Adelaide

speaking on Managing Environmental Water 

Other topics include kangaroo meat traceability, food safety, water policy, African agriculture,

supermarket globalisation, IP issues, food price volatility, carbon policies for agriculture, water

quality in the GBR, management of marine resources, and the value of water in tourism.

Media are welcome to attend - further information is available at 

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