"managing Singapore's Workforce During The World Cup...the Hr Challenge!"

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31st May 2010, 04:18pm - Views: 1375

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"Managing Singapore's Workforce During The World Cup...The HR Challenge!"

SINGAPORE, May 31 /PRNewswire-Asia-AsiaNet/ --

    Late night World Cup games in June and July could mean higher than normal absenteeism and employee

fatigue at work in Singapore - however a little planning and forethought will go a long way

    Every four years the FIFA World Cup brings people together across the globe, as they immerse themselves

in this spectacular sporting event. Although the 2010 World Cup in South Africa will bring joy to many - it is

also bringing concern to some employers and the need for employee planning, scheduling and good


    With the World Cup taking places in cities across South Africa, such as Durban and Cape Town, the time

difference with Singapore means that games shown live will be broadcast early in the morning at 2.30am as

well as at a more reasonable 7.30pm and 10.00pm. Whilst some employees will be sleeping through the live

games, a large number will be burning the midnight oil as they watch live broadcasts and celebrate with family

and friends. The world's biggest single sporting event, The World Cup Final, will be broadcast at 2.30am on a

Monday morning!

    Singaporeans will be rooting for their chosen nation team, as well as the many expatriates and foreigners

working in Singapore, with backgrounds from all over the world, who will want to watch their home country in

action when matches are screened. So what can companies in Singapore do to be both 'World Cup friendly'

with their workforce, whilst also ensuring that employee attendance at work stays on track, that sick leave

does not increase too much and that productivity doesn't drop?

    Lynne Ng, Regional Director, Adecco South East, feels that a balanced approach is required: "It's about

setting clear expectations and communicating as to what is and what is not appropriate in the workplace

during the tournament. Companies don't want to alienate their workers during the World Cup by pretending

that it's 'business as usual' - as clearly it's not. Ensuring that employees can enjoy the World Cup in some form

or another will likely be a moral booster and highly appreciated by the workforce. While every day business is

bound to be affected at some level by late night games, there are steps that can be taken by human resource

managers and departments to keep disruption to a minimum and to ensure continuity of business. These

steps include flexible working hours, shift swaps, unpaid leave...and a little understanding".

    Adecco offers the following steps that can be taken to keep businesses running as normally as possible:

    1. Liaise with your workforce to understand their level of interest in 

       watching late night World Cup games and their views about the balance 

       of enjoying the TV coverage while still performing well at work and 

       executing their responsibilities.  

    2. Evaluate workloads and special projects that need to be completed 

       during the World Cup period. What employees are needed to complete 

       either regular workloads or projects on tight delivery schedules? 

       It's essential that companies factor in that a higher than normal 

       number of workers may be on leave or absent from work.

    3. Ensure that department heads and supervisors are talking to one 

       another about the impact of the tournament. The cross checking 

       of holiday requests would be a beneficial exercise.

    4. Many organizations are setting policies about watching game replays

       on the internet or surfing World Cup related website. Every company

       has different measures and controls in place. It's important that 

       all employees understand the policies and procedure in place and 

       the rationale behind these decisions, as well as the ramifications 

       for abuse of the policies.

    5. Bring your workforce together for social gatherings. Although no 

       live World Cup games are being broadcast during the regular 

       9-5 working day, there are still opportunities for employers to 

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       gather employees for the regular 7.30pm and 10.00pm games. This 

       can be either in the place or work, or an outside environment. 

       In either situation, alcohol consumption should be controlled. 

    6. Ensure that all employees are treated fairly and equally during 

       the tournament and remember that not everyone is interested in 

       this sporting event.

    7. Enter into the Spirit of the World Cup! This is the world's biggest 

       sporting event and companies can have some fun with it. Examples 

       include world cup themed events, sweepstakes and inter-department 


    Lynne Ng: "The World Cup is not just about football - it's an event that can captivate and involve those not

even interested in the sport. The event is a great way for companies in Singapore to show some 'spirit' and

flexibility and to ensure that employees can enjoy the spectacle, whilst still ensuring that workplace

professionalism is maintained".

    About Adecco 

    Adecco S.A. is a Fortune Global 500 company and the global leader in HR services.   

    Established in Singapore in 1985 and celebrating its 25th Anniversary in 2010, Adecco Singapore offers a

comprehensive range of services that includes temporary & contract staffing, permanent recruitment,

outsourcing, executive search, leadership development, career management and outplacement. 




     Citrus Public Relations


     Ian Grundy

     Email: ian.grundy@citrus-pr.com 


     Tel:   +65-6736-4119 

    SOURCE:  Adecco

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