Change Management Experts Host Workshop Series For Hr Professionals

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22nd April 2008, 09:04am - Views: 1249
For Immediate Release


22nd April 2008

Change Management experts host workshop series for HR professionals

Change management experts Astor Levin are holding a series of workshops for managers and HR professionals that give practical strategies for dealing with organisational change.

The series aims to provide an interactive environment with no more than 15 attendees per workshop and is targeted at those seeking a suite of practical tools and templates for dealing with workplace change that can be implemented immediately within the workplace.

Attendees will also learn why change efforts fail, who within an organisation needs to be engaged and how to make change happen effectively.

The first workshop, entitled "Equipping Managers for Change", will take place on Thursday 15th May in Brisbane. More information from Astor Levin on 07 3220 3288 or at


About Astor Levin
Astor Levin Pty Ltd is a Brisbane based human resource and management consultancy firm that provides services to a range of private and public sector clients throughout Australia. The team consists of highly qualified consultants with a mixture of human resource management, business analysis and organisational psychology backgrounds with global experience. Their client base ranges from small business to ASX200 companies.

For more information please contact David Bateson on 07 3901 1055 / 0402 332287.

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