Fair Work Seminars For Kalgoorlie Employers

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4th February 2010, 10:00am - Views: 1553

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Fair Work Infoline: 13 13 94 

Media Release

     4 Feb 2010

Fair Work seminars for Kalgoorlie employers

The Fair Work Ombudsman and the Goldfields Small Business Centre will conduct two

seminars for small business owners in Kalgoorlie-Boulder this month.

The free information sessions will be held on Wednesday, February 17 at 9am and again at

6pm at the Kalgoorlie-Boulder Business Development Centre in Piccadilly Street.

The seminars will focus on the new Fair Work system and include information on:

National Employment Standards (NES), 

Modern awards and transitional arrangements, 

Types of employment

Work practices to avoid, and 

Workplace inspections.

Employers interested in finding out more about the new Fair Work system should contact

the Small Business Centre on (08) 9021 7708 or info@sbcgoldfields.com.au  to register as

spaces are limited.

Kalgoorlie-based Senior Fair Work inspector Stephanie Fletcher says the two-hour

seminars will help businesses understand and comply with changes to the national

workplace relations system.

“We can help explain changes like the recent introduction of the National Employment

Standards (NES) and new Modern Awards,” she said.

“We are very serious about our job of building knowledge and fairer workplaces, and

seminars such as these in Kalgoorlie will help us to ensure the community understands its

rights and obligations.”

Ms Fletcher says it is important that both employers and workers are aware of the


“It is important regional employers and workers understand there is an Agency they can

turn to if they have workplace concerns,” she said.

Ms Fletcher says the Fair Work Ombudsman has a range of user-friendly resources to

assist employers both comply with workplace laws and also operate their businesses

according to best practice.

Likewise, she says there are resources to assist employees understand their rights in the


Employers and workers seeking assistance should contact the Fair Work Infoline on 13 13

94 or visit www.fairwork.gov.au For translations call 13 14 50. 

Last financial year, WA Fair Work inspectors recovered more than $2.2 million for 1775

workers in the State who had been underpaid.

Media inquiries: 

Craig Bildstien, 0419 818 484. craig.bildstien@fwo.gov.au

Ryan Pedler, 03 9954 2561, 0434 365 924. ryan.pedler@fwo.gov.au

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