Fast Food Outlets Focus Of New Campaign In Queensland

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18th October 2010, 05:10pm - Views: 1248

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Fair Work Infoline: 13 13 94 

Media Release

    18 Oct 2010

Fast food outlets focus of new campaign in

Brisbane and regional Queensland

The Fair Work Ombudsman is targeting about 135 fast food outlets in Brisbane and

regional Queensland as part of a new education and compliance campaign.

Fair Work inspectors will this week conduct face-to-face visits to about 80 fast food outlets

located in various Brisbane food courts.

They will also visit shops on the Gold Coast and doorknock in Rockhampton, Cairns,

Toowoomba and Townsville.

Inspectors will call on a number of take-away shops which have previously been the

subject of complaints, while others will be selected at random.

Businesses will be asked to supply employment records to ensure staff are being paid

correctly and employers are complying with their record-keeping obligations.

Fair Work Ombudsman Executive Director Michael Campbell says a key objective of the

campaign is to help employers understand national workplace laws, including Modern

Awards and minimum National Employment Standards.

“This is also an industry which employs large numbers of young, immigrant and low-paid

workers who may be vulnerable if they are not fully aware of their workplace rights,” he


“It is important we ensure these workers are paid their full entitlements.”

The Fair Work Ombudsman audited 675 businesses, including many fast food outlets,

during a National Food Services Campaign in 2008-09 and recovered $1.23 million for

more than 1000 workers who had been underpaid.   

“As part of this new effort in Queensland, we will provide information and assistance to

employers and request they voluntarily rectify any problems we encounter,” Mr Campbell


“In cases where they don’t, or where we suspect deliberate underpayments or other

serious breaches have occurred, we may launch a full investigation.”

The Fair Work Ombudsman has a range of user-friendly resources on its website to assist

employers to comply with workplace laws and operate their workplace at best practice.


Resources for small business on include payslip and record-keeping

templates, a self-audit checklist, template letters and fact sheets on dozens of topics

including leave, industrial action, public holidays, enterprise bargaining, gender pay

equality and family-friendly workplaces.

As well as Online resources, the Fair Work Ombudsman has more than 200 highly-skilled

advisers available to speak with employers and workers with questions on its Fair Work

Infoline on 13 13 94 from 8am - 6pm weekdays.

Media inquiries: 

Ryan Pedler, Senior Media Adviser. (03) 9954 2561, 0411 430 902.

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