Hamilton Transport Company Faces Court Over Alleged Underpayment

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10th February 2010, 10:00am - Views: 1119

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Fair Work Infoline: 13 13 94 

Media Release

    10 Feb 2010

Hamilton transport company faces court for

allegedly underpaying truck driver $20,000

The Fair Work Ombudsman has launched a prosecution against a South-West

Victorian transport company and its director for allegedly underpaying a truck

driver more than $20,000.

Facing court is Ron Priddle Transport and Logistics Pty Ltd, which is based in

Hamilton, and company director, manager and shareholder Ronald Harold Priddle,

also of Hamilton.

Documents lodged in the Melbourne Magistrate’s Court allege Mr Priddle was

centrally involved in his company underpaying a long-distance truck driver a total

of $20,272 between 2005 and 2008.

The Fair Work Ombudsman claims the driver was underpaid his loading and

unloading allowance, living away from home allowance, annual leave entitlements

and superannuation.  

It is alleged that Mr Priddle was also involved in his company failing to comply

with a Fair Work inspector’s request to provide employment records relating to

the truck driver.

Under workplace laws, employers must comply with requests from inspectors to

provide employment records relating to employees and former employees.

Fair Work Ombudsman Executive Director Michael Campbell says the decision to

prosecute was made because of the significant amount involved and the

employer’s failure to rectify the matter.

It is alleged the company and Mr Priddle committed multiple breaches of

workplace relations laws.

The maximum penalty per breach is $33,000 for the company and $6600 for Mr

Priddle for the underpayment matters and $5500 for the company and $1100 for

Mr Priddle for the employment record matters.

The Agency is seeking penalties and a Court Order for the money allegedly owed

to be back-paid.

Employers or employees seeking assistance should contact the Fair Work Infoline

on 13 13 94 or visit www.fwo.gov.au For translations call 13 14 50.

Media inquiries:

Craig Bildstien, 0419 818 484. craig.bildstien@fwo.gov.au

Ryan Pedler, (03) 9954 2561, 0434 365 924. ryan.pedler@fwo.gov.au 

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