Post-australia Day Wash-up: Spot And Manage Fraudulent Sickies

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27th January 2010, 01:10pm - Views: 1235

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Media Release

Post-Australia Day wash-up: 

How to spot and manage fraudulent sickies 

SYDNEY, January 27, 2010: The economy isn't the only loser of the Australia Day sick-day scam: those record half-a-

million so-called "unAustralian bums" who chucked a sickie on Monday haven't just cost businesses $250 million, they have

also risked damaging their own career prospects, earning the mistrust of work colleagues and even getting fired, says The

Human Resources Centre managing director, Katherine Graham.

"Even through a single instance of dishonesty an employee may be seen by their manager as lacking commitment to the

organisation and this jeopardises their chances of the company investing in them further through training, development and

promotional opportunities," Graham warns."And colleagues will be less inclined to support them in the future, for example,

by refusing to swap shifts or cover for them. So workers, their colleagues and businesses all lose out from fraudulent sick


But how can businesses spot a fraudulent sickie? Graham says employees have been known to:

Advise friends and colleagues of their intent to take a sick leave or of what they did on the day.

Post notices on social networking sites of their intent to take a sickie or boast of their activities on their day off.

Engage in activity with colleagues or others who have legitimately applied for annual leave.

Clearly fake or alter medical certificates that, when verified with the authorising medical practitioner, have

proven to be fake.

Graham's top 5 tips for managing and preventing fraudulent sick leave:

Ensure your company has policies concerning employee entitlements, including sick leave, that clearly detail

when they can and cannot be used.

Ensure employees are aware of the policies and, particularly, what evidence is required to support sick leave.

Ensure the overall workplace culture is performance- and reward-orientated through well-set expectations and

by promptly addressing workers who are not abiding by policy. 

Some companies reward employees or teams by "paying out" sick leave on remaining entitlements.

Ensure human resources employees are well versed in the sick leave, performance counselling and termination


Media contact and interviews: Managing director of The Human Resources Centre, Katherine Graham, is available for media

interviews and background information. Graham has more than 15 years’ experience in human resources and recruitment. 

To arrange an interview or for further information, including case studies, please contact Maria Nguyen on 0402 39 49 53.

About The Human Resources Centre: The Human Resources Centre is an Australian owned and operated human resources

consultancy, offering a wide range of services in all areas of HR management, including strategic, operational, legal, training and

payroll functions. With offices in each capital city, The Human Resources Centre assists organisations in areas such as: review of HR

structures and practices, compliance with workplace laws; recruitment and workplace policies; remuneration and performance

management; staff training and development; workplace mediation and employment law; occupational health and safety; payroll

management and organisational culture.

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