Fair Work Infoline: 13 13 94
Media Release
21 Oct 2010
Seymour, Mansfield and Yea employers focus of
new targeted campaign
The Fair Work Ombudsman is targeting up to 100 employers in Seymour,
Mansfield and Yea as part of a new education and compliance campaign.
The Agency has written to 40 employers in the Victorian towns to provide them
with educational information about workplace laws and to ask them to provide
time-and-wages records for audit.
And next week, Fair Work inspectors will make face-to-face visits to a further 60
employers in the region to scrutinise their books and provide them with tips about
how to ensure they are complying with workplace laws.
Fair Work Ombudsman Executive Director Michael Campbell says inspectors will
check employers are paying staff their full entitlements and are complying with
record-keeping and payslip obligations.
A key objective of the campaign is also to help employers understand workplace
laws, including Modern Awards and minimum National Employment Standards,
Mr Campbell said.
Where we find records are not adequate or identify other non-compliance issues,
we will provide information and assistance to employers and request they
voluntarily rectify any problems.
In cases where they dont, or where we suspect deliberate underpayments or
other serious breaches have occurred, we may launch a full investigation.
Mr Campbell says the campaign aims to raise awareness of the Fair Work
Ombudsmans role among country employers and workers.
It is important regional employers and workers understand there is an Agency
they can turn to for free workplace advice and assistance, he said.
Mr Campbell says the Fair Work Ombudsman has a range of user-friendly
resources on its website to assist employers to comply with workplace laws and
operate their workplace at best practice.
web pages, payslip and record-keeping templates, a self-audit checklist, template
letters and fact sheets on dozens of topics including leave, industrial action, public
holidays, enterprise bargaining, gender pay equality and family-friendly
As well as Online resources, the Fair Work Ombudsman has more than 200
highly-skilled advisers available to speak with employers and workers with
questions on its Fair Work Infoline on 13 13 94 from 8am-6pm weekdays.
Media inquiries: Ryan Pedler, 0411 430 902. ryan.pedler@fwo.gov.au