RELEASE DATE: October 21, 2008
Contact Information
Tracey Cook
Marketing Manager
Direct No. (02) 9719 8826
October 2008 (Sydney, Australia)
With the Australian employee market being as volatile as it is, it is becoming increasingly important
to show your employees that they are valued. I recently asked a group of executive recruiters what
the most common reason that employers gave as to why the employee was looking to leave their
current employer. Of course the traditional answer of money came up, however each of the
recruiters was very quick to state that money was not the main reason. The reason that they
unanimously agreed upon was that of not feeling valued by their direct line manager.
Feeling valued comes down to many things, however as humans, our number one need is
acceptance. When people feel accepted, they are happier and perform better. It is important for a
manager to build a rapport than has more substance than just work. Some managers do this with
ease, others find it harder. A simple and effective way to show that you accept and value someone
is to remember their birthday, wedding anniversary, baby due dates etc but most managers are time
stretched enough. However, there is a new free service available that helps managers do just that.
The G Link is a service that gets each user to create their own profile where they add all of their
important dates. When a PA/Manager links with their staff members, all of these dates then
become visible to the manager and email reminders are sent out 1 week before and then on the day
of the employees birthday etc. In addition, if the manager wants to take it one step further and is
interested in buying them a gift, their profile allows them 2 different ways to show their linked
manager and colleagues items that they would be interested in receiving. This is not restricted to
just a manager/employee relationship. The employee can also link with their other colleagues and
in that way, the service assists in building internal relationships.
To gain a stronger understanding of how this could be introduced into your business, Tracey Cook is
the Marketing Manager for The G Link. Tracey can present how the service could work within your
business and propose suggestions on how it could best be implemented within your business
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