Village Cinemas - Providing Nationally Recognised Qualifications

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27th October 2010, 04:58pm - Views: 3291

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Media Release

For immediate release



Village Cinemas Australia have partnered with Registered Training Organisation, Selmar

Institute of Education and Sarina Russo Apprenticeship Services to deliver Nationally

Accredited Training to their Cinema Employees.  Employees will receive a new standard in

workplace education, with a training program that has been designed and developed to not

only be nationally recognised, but also specific to individual roles and responsibilities. 

The training program, known as ‘PACE’, has been fully integrated into the Village Cinemas

Induction, on job coaching and mentoring program.  The Program delivers a suite of

transferable skills and ensures a consistent approach to the training and development

offering.  The program is structured for learning and assessment activities to be completed

during rostered work hours.

All eligible Village Cinema employees will take part in the PACE Training Program, with an

opportunity to complete Certificate II and III in Retail for retail employees, and Certificate III

in Hospitality for hospitality employees.

Kirk Edwards, Village Cinemas CEO;PACE offers our Cinema employees the opportunity

to complete a national qualification throughout their employment. We are proud to support

our employees in their learning journey and further their career development for future

opportunities in the Retail and Hospitality Industry.”



For further media enquiries or PHOTO OPPORTUNITIES in cinema, please contact: 

Village Cinemas Australia

Paige Smythe:  Phone: (03) 9281.1000 or email

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