Media Release
Unions NSW
Monday 25th October 2010
Unions NSW has today called for the focus to be placed on workplace safety rather than
process in the ongoing debate about the harmonisation of workplace safety laws.
As part of the campaign Unions NSW has today published a new newspaper advertisement.
Working people in NSW shouldnt be forced to give up their safety rights for the sake of
process. said Mr Mark Lennon, Secretary of Unions NSW.
The primary objective of the campaign is to convince the Prime Minister to accept Premier
Keneally's request to allow NSW to retain two key safety provisions as part of a new national
workplace safety system.
Business wants the Prime Minister to put process before policy. A process that doesnt adopt
the highest possible safety standards for working people is a flawed process.
Union-initiated prosecutions and the reverse onus provision have served workers well and
shouldnt be thrown on the scrapheap just to keep federal policy neat and tidy.
The national harmonisation of OHS laws must include these key provisions. said Mr Lennon
The ad campaign is the start of the next stage of Unions NSWs Dont Risk 2nd
Rate Safety
campaign, a campaign to protect two key workplace safety provisions from the NSW workplace
safety system.
Ensuring the highest levels of safety in the workplace is a core part of what unions do.
Unions will continue to campaign to ensure NSW working people arent left worse off by the
harmonisation process. said Mr Lennon.
The escalation of the campaign will include media advertising, lobbying of MPs, online
campaigns, letterbox drops, doorknocking and street stalls.
Contact: Stephen Dampf, Media & Communications Officer, 0405 663 466 or 02 9881 5999