Recovery Effort In Mackay On Track
Business - Insurance Press Release
7th April 2008, 07:08pm -
Views: 1325
7 April 2008
Recovery Effort in Mackay on Track
The Insurance Council of Australia today released figures on the recovery effort being undertaken by insurers in Mackay, with over 98% of all insured housing claims received for the Mackay floods by its member companies now having been assessed.
Executive Director & CEO of the Insurance Council, Kerrie Kelly, said "Insurers have moved resources from around Australia into Mackay in order to carry out repairs as rapidly as the weather and individual circumstances will allow. With assessments completed, the re- building effort is well underway in Mackay.
Insurance Council member insurers continue to work closely with the rebuilding coordination centre that was established by the Queensland Government within the first week of the disaster.
"The coordination centre is enabling the general insurance industry and the Government to have a coordinated focus on the recovery effort. It is a credit to the Queensland Government and the general insurance industry that early and ongoing efforts to assist the people affected in Mackay are continuing." Ms Kelly said.
Dialogue between the Government and the general insurance industry is continuing to be open and collaborative, which ultimately leads to better outcomes for those most affected by this severe weather event.
"Realistic timelines for rebuilding have been discussed and are being pursued aggressively by all parties," said Ms Kelly. "The Queensland Government has listened to the industry regarding roadblocks to recovery, e.g. rubbish removal, and has responded wherever possible with targeted solutions aimed at improving the recovery process for the Mackay community."
Collaborative approaches to recovery operations assist the Australian community. The general insurance industry is committed to continuing to work with governments at times of disasters to ensure the speedy recovery of effected communities.
Media Contact:
Sean Sampson
02 9253 5161 or 0421 482 884
SOURCE: Insurance Council of Australia