"the Westfield Insider - Meet The Finalists"-the First Australian To Be Paid

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10th October 2010, 01:00pm - Views: 2183

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Westfield Holdings Limited ABN 66 001 671 496 Westfield Management Limited ABN 41 001 670 579 AFS

Licence 230329 as responsible entity for Westfield Trust ABN 55 191 750 378 ARSN 090 849 746 

Westfield America Management Limited ABN 66 072 780 619 AFS Licence 230324 as responsible entity for

Westfield America Trust ABN 27 374 714 905 ARSN 092 058 449

For further information please contact: Jacqueline Scott +61 2 9358 7997 or+ 61 406 040 339

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8th October 2010


“The Westfield Insider – Meet the Finalists”

The first Australian to be paid $100,000 to Shop and Tell 

Samnang Sou (NSW), Alyce Cowell (VIC) and Brooke Lowther (QLD) have been shortlisted out of

1450 applicants in Westfield’s national search for Australia’s Savviest Shopper.

The three finalists will take on shopping challenges over the next three weeks in the form of Style

Sessions at selected Westfield centres around the country. They will also post blogs, Facebook updates

and videos on westfield.com.au.

The challenges will be uploaded online at westfield.com.au where the public voting process will

commence from Monday 11 October until Sunday 31 October. Voters can also go into the draw to win

one of ten $5,000 Westfield Gift Cards. 

John Batistich, General Manager Marketing, Westfield said that “we were overwhelmed by the calibre of

the Westfield Insider applicants and it was a tough decision to shortlist three finalists. Already there is a

community of Westfield shoppers sharing their tips on Facebook and we will only see this grow when

the Westfield Insider is appointed.” 

The search began on the 12th September

with 1,450 ‘savvy shoppers’


for this $100,000 job

opportunity of a lifetime.

The shortlist of applicants underwent a series of interviews to reach the final


The successful

Westfield Insider’

will be offered a 12 month position to blog and inform

the online

community about ‘on trend, on budget’ style, product and retail news. They will also lead and reward a

community of shoppers through the Westfield Insider Facebook page. 

The Westfield Insider, Australia’s Savviest Shopper,

will be announced on Thursday 4th November on







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Westfield Holdings Limited ABN 66 001 671 496 Westfield Management Limited ABN 41 001 670 579 AFS

Licence 230329 as responsible entity for Westfield Trust ABN 55 191 750 378 ARSN 090 849 746 

Westfield America Management Limited ABN 66 072 780 619 AFS Licence 230324 as responsible entity for

Westfield America Trust ABN 27 374 714 905 ARSN 092 058 449

For further information please contact: Jacqueline Scott + 61 2 9358 7997 or 406 040 339

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Alyce Cowell (VIC)


Has studied Bachelor of Journalism at Griffith University QLD 


Currently Stylist of the Style Me Studio, Sportsgirl Chadstone


Editor-in-Chief, COVET Magazine 

Samnang Sou (NSW) 


Currently studying a Diploma of Fashion and Textile Merchandising at St George TAFE


Has worked as a Showroom Manager and Merchandising Consultant, as well as an Assistant


Brooke Lowther (QLD)


Has studied Event Management, Media, Communications, Marketing, Public Relations, Film

and Screen pre and post production at Griffith University as well as achieved Diplomas in

Journalism and Business Management and Studies 


Works as a freelance TV Presenter, Show Host and Journalist/ Reporter (Foxtel, TVNZ,

Channel Seven, Southern Cross Ten, Fashion TV)

The Westfield Insider will join the growing blogger community on behalf of Westfield and provide daily

information to a wide community of shoppers. The real benefit is for shoppers themselves who will have

a platform to seek and share the best shopping advice with other shoppers in their local area.

For further information please contact The ARC Factory (02) 9332 4744:

Rose Marie Pengelly rpengelly@arcfactory.com.au / 0405 578 351

Imogen Allen iallen@arcfactory.com.au / 0451 116 577

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