24 October 2008
The Queensland Prevention Alliance has called for a much tougher stance than todays proposal by the
Australia Food and Grocery Council (AFGC) who want a voluntary code restricting advertising of
unhealthy foods to children under 12.
This simply isnt good enough previous volunteer codes around advertising have been shown to be
ineffective. Also, the AFGCs proposed voluntary code is not applicable to food and beverage companies
outside of supermarkets, so companies such as fast food giants wouldnt be required to adopt this new
code, said Diabetes Australia Queensland CEO, Michelle Trute. .
The Queensland Prevention Alliance also refuted claims by the AFGC that it is misrepresenting the facts
from the recently released Australian National Childrens Nutrition and Physical Activity Survey.
Our main aim in this campaign is to educate Queensland parents so they can make an informed decision
about the State Governments proposed ban on TV junk food advertising to children. The industry claims
food and drink advertising only contributes two percent to childrens choice in products. However, if
advertising has next to no impact on our kids dietary choices, then why do junk food companies spend
millions of dollars every year on advertising to children? Ms Trute said.
Research has found that advertising nutritious foods promotes positive attitudes and beliefs about these
foods, and yet we continue to see 73 percent of all ads shown during kids programs promoting foods and
drinks that are high in fat, salt and sugar with little nutritional value.
We know that the junk food industry is increasingly targeting our children at one of the highest levels in
the world and, considering our skyrocketing childhood obesity rates, its safe to assume theres a strong
relationship here. We need tougher regulations. We need to stop exploiting our children. We need to
curb our obesity epidemic. And, we need to act now, Ms Trute said.
A recent survey found 86 percent of parents supported a total ban on junk food ads during kids television
programs, but to date only about 1,500 have completed the survey available on the Queensland
Government website. The Queensland Prevention Alliance strongly urges all Queensland parents to let
the State Government know how they feel about junk food advertising during childrens TV.
The State Governments discussion paper and survey regarding junk food advertising is available at
With just one week to go in this important campaign, the Queensland Prevention Alliance hopes more
parents will jump online and support the proposed ban on junk food advertising during childrens
The Queensland Prevention Alliance consists of AMA Queensland, Cancer Council Queensland,
Diabetes Australia Queensland and the Heart Foundation.
Diabetes Australia Queensland:
Melissa Pizzato, 07 3239 5625 or 0416 913 761