Company Directors' Survey Shows No Plans To Cut Marketing Spend

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16th June 2008, 11:20am - Views: 1387

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Monday, 16th June 2008



A survey of Australian company directors has revealed an overwhelming trend

to continue – or increase their marketing spend, despite the slowing of the

Australian economy.

The survey was conducted by the Australian Institute of Company Directors

and strategy and marketing consultancy, Growth Solutions Group (GSG) to

guage a boardroom perspective on priority marketing issues and intent for level

of marketing spend

One hundred and thirty-four Australian company directors responded to the

survey, with only 1% planning to cut marketing investment, with 94%

confirming no intent to cut marketing spend of which 49% are planning to


More than one third (37%) identified their biggest marketing challenge as staying

competitive in a difficult marketplace with limited resources, including time and budget.

GSG co-founder and Managing Director, Graeme Chipp said the survey results

emphasise that when times are tough, confidence in strategy and willingness to sustain a

focused marketing investment are paramount.

“Staying competitive in an increasingly difficult market place with limited resources was

clearly the number one challenge for Board Directors,” Mr Chipp said.

“The survey we conducted shows company leaders clearly understand that to do this they

must maintain their presence in the market,” he said. 

The survey also found that the main reason behind plans to increase were offensive

marketing reasons. 28% of respondents felt an increased marketing spend was important

to increase awareness and share of mind, 14% to stay ahead of competition – as they cut

And 8% to grow share/ enter new markets.

The survey findings also highlighted that the interaction and direction of marketing is

mixed across many boards.

40% stated that marketing was not a key driver or had limited impact on

company’s competitive advantage 

While 70% felt the marketing function effectively engaged the board, 30% did not.  

44% board’s discuss role and impact of marketing at best once or twice  year.

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Only half of the Company Directors surveyed planned to spend more time on

customer related issues.

“Our experience is that a ‘whole of company’ marketing approach starts in the boardroom.

This data provides further evidence of the continuing challenge facing marketers to earn

the due respect and attention of many directors around the role and impact marketing can

deliver to company value.”  Mr Chipp said.

“Those Board Directors who valued the role of marketing, considered its role pivotal in

securing their company’s competitive advantage, invested more time in the marketing

process and will be better equipped to witness the results on the bottom line.” 


For further information or to organize an interview with Graeme Chipp, please contact

Lahra Carey on (03) 9685 3193

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