I'm With The Band: Marketing For Music Managers

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20th November 2009, 06:50pm - Views: 1476

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I’m with the band: marketing for music managers

The reality of the music industry is nothing like the instant stardom of reality TV and

getting the exposure needed to create a viable music business is a challenge. 

That’s why RMIT University is running a weekend short course on band

management and marketing.

Natalie McKenna, a singer/songwriter and RMIT manager who teaches in the

Diploma Music Industry (Audio Production), will show students how to promote

themselves in the music industry.

The course, which runs on 28 and 29 November in central Melbourne, will cover

topics like how to get a gig, distribute and market an EP, what to include in a press

kit and how to get a management, recording, distribution or publishing deal. 

Ms McKenna said: “The rise of social networking sites like twitter and MySpace

has made it possible for musicians to achieve success through an online presence.  

“I have been trialling twitter, MySpace, Blackboard and blogs in the Diploma of

Music Industry (Audio Production) and Diploma Creative Industries programs this

year, as the students are preparing to work in industries where the use of social

networking sites is an important part of building personal brand.  

“The music industry is highly competitive and success can depend on having great

music, an appropriate image, and a strong online presence,” Ms McKenna said.  

The weekend course can be completed as a short course or, if a student chooses

to complete a number of assessments, a Unit of Competency can be awarded that

allows credit towards a full qualification with further training.  

To enrol, call (03) 9925 8111 or visit http://www.shortcourses.rmit.edu.au

To follow Ms McKenna and receive tips on how to navigate the music industry, go

For more information: Natalie McKenna, (03) 9925 4671. 

For general media enquiries: RMIT University Communications, David Glanz,

(03) 9925 2807 or 0438 547 723.

20 November, 2009   

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