Sputnik Creation To Send Toy Enthusiasts Running To Kmart Stores

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11th June 2008, 05:36pm - Views: 1410

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                FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE:  11th June 2008  

FOURTH DRAFT: client approval required


Australia’s largest on-line marketing agency, Sputnik Agency, announced that it is working with Kmart to create a first

time digital promotional plan in order to drive internet users into Kmart stores during its annual toy sale in July 2008. 

The goal of this uniquely crafted promotion is to transfer enthusiasm experienced on-line into sales at the brick and

mortar retail level.  

Kmart is the first of the large retail chains in Australia to employ a promotional program focused on transferring on-line

activity to store level purchasing.  The leading retailer will launch the digital promotion with The Super Balloon Game and

The Mighty Robot Explorer.  Both Sputnik creations, these digital games have been specifically developed to encourage

the Kmart on-line user to enjoy the fun of toys and games prior  to Kmart’s Annual Toy Sale.   

"The Super Toy Sale website and games is one of many new initiatives Kmart has undertaken and have been more than satisfied with

the service and end product delivered by Sputnik Agency,” says Alexander Andrews, Online Advertising Coordinator of


The way it works…

to the primary site, experiential games will be available to encourage toy enthusiasts to enjoy the brand and their time on

the Kmart website.  With a heightened on-line Kmart experience, online shoppers will be encouraged to visit Kmart

stores during the toy sale, ultimately increasing purchases.  


Super Balloon Game

See how high the hot air balloon travels before it bursts.  If you reach the highest point, you go into the draw to win a

$500 Kmart gift card/voucher.  At the end of the game, users can click through to view toys that will be available during

the toy sale.

The Mighty Robot Explorer      http://kmart.sputnikagency.net.au/robots/

The robot crashes through a maze of make believe websites and interacts with content on each site while racing against

the clock.  Finally making it to the end of the maze, information regarding the Kmart toy sale is presented.  

Josie Brown, Account Services Director, Sputnik Agency says, “We have enjoyed working with the Kmart team

tremendously on this project because the campaign micro site is not only an effective way to raise awareness of the K-mart Toy Sale,

but it’s all about fun!  It integrates perfectly into the overall Toy Sale campaign and extends the consumer experience with the brand

in a way that TV or catalogues cannot. Smart retailers are now increasingly using the online channel to engage their target audience

and to drive them into stores.“

The games are available to play now as part of the lead up to the Annual Kmart Toy Sale which starts on 3rd July,

therefore engaging users and promoting anticipation of the toy sale with a view to educating the consumer about what’s

on offer during the sale.   

For additional information please contact:  Camilla Speirs  at spice & soul Marketing and Public Relations

03 9533 6171 or 0409 359 339  camilla@spiceandsoul.com.au

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