A New Record Melbourne Median House Price: $540,500

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23rd January 2010, 09:00am - Views: 1089

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Media Release 

The Real Estate Institute of Victoria Ltd

Telephone (03) 9205 6666

ABN 81 004 210 897


Saturday 23 January 2010

A new record Melbourne median house price: $540,500

The REIV December quarter Property Update has revealed a new record high median house price of

$540,500, an increase of 15 per cent from $470,000 in the September quarter.

REIV CEO Enzo Raimondo said that it was the largest increase in the median house price since the

REIV started keeping quarterly records.

“In the December quarter of 2000 the median house price increased by 14.9 per cent and by 12.4 per

cent in December quarter of 2007, compared to 15 per cent in the 2009 December quarter.

“The combination of a better than expected economic conditions and strong population growth has

resulted in an unprecedented level of pressure on housing costs in Melbourne.

“The city’s population is increasing by around 1,700 people per week and unfortunately housing

construction has not responded as quickly as would be necessary to ease the pressure in the market. 

“The level of confidence in the market is apparent from the number of homes being bought and sold;

the REIV has recorded an increase of 22 per cent since the 2008 December quarter.

“This is highlighted by the strong growth in the middle of the market. The largest increases in median

prices have occurred for homes priced between $500,000 and $900,000.

“Burwood recorded the largest increase – 23.1 per cent – as the median increased from $658,000 to

$810,000. It was followed by Ringwood, with a 16.2 per cent increase; Mount Evelyn, whose median

increased by 16.1 per cent, and Brunswick, which now has a median of $724,250 after a 15.2 per cent


“Prices paid for units and apartments have also increased substantially, with a 7.6 per cent increase in

the median from $410,000 in the September quarter to $441,000 in this quarter.

“The suburbs with the largest increases in median price for units and apartments were East

Melbourne, followed by Port Melbourne, Armadale, Caulfield North and Northcote. 

“House prices increased in key centres in regional Victoria as well. The median house price in the City

of Ballarat increased by 7.3 per cent to $265,000; in Greater Bendigo by 4.3 per cent to $261,000; and

in Greater Geelong by 4.4 per cent to $342,000,” Mr Raimondo concluded.

REIV CEO, Enzo Raimondo will be available for interview at noon,

23 January at the REIV, 335 Camberwell Road, Camberwell

REIV December 2009 quarter Property Update


Dec Qtr



Sept Qtr 2009


Dec Qtr















Robert Larocca, 9205 6622 or 0409 198 350

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