Avj Tv Anchored By Popular National Tv Presenters

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1st October 2008, 05:38pm - Views: 1442

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Media release

1st October 2008



AVJennings steps into the future with the launch of AVJ TV 

As it launches its savvy new AVJ TV concept, one of Australia’s best known and

most trusted residential property developer and home builder AVJennings

heralds a bright new future for research by buyers of real estate and new


AVJennings Chief Marketing Officer Tim Redway believes the internet has

surged forward as a key player in homebuyer communications.

AVJennings has invested greatly into its website recently, in both appearance

and content – and in so doing, has broken new ground and created an

innovative and exciting new concept. In fact, already receiving thousands of hits

in the time it’s been operational.

AVJ TV which became part of the company’s website in late September can

be seen as a slick, unique, progressive new marketing tool engaging visitors to

the AVJennings website.  

AVJ TV is hosted by high-profile Aussie married couple Lochie Daddo and

Karina Brown, both of whom have built a name in Australian lifestyle TV

Lochie as a presenter of Getaway and more recently, Ch 9’s Animal Hospital;

Karina as a co-host of Sale of the Century, Ch 9’s Body + Soul and more

recently as a Foxtel presenter. 

Together, Lochie and Karina take site visitors on an informative and interactive

journey through various aspects of buying and building a new home. Via

separate, bite-sized segments they reveal helpful hints and tips on everything

from how to select land and how to make your home child-safe, to how to

place furniture, and more. AVJ TV is updated regularly and even includes an

interactive element by which people can suggest their own ideas for segments.

It’s fresh, chatty – and a technological step forward in marketing direction.

The concept aims to be an online magazine resource, bringing to life content

that could previously only be the domain of TV networks and hence, out of the

marketing budget reach of most companies.

“The advent of broadband technology – and we’ve established 85% of

AVJennings site visitors have this – has meant the internet can be used more

creatively to engage customers, moving them beyond the point of simply

creating property checklists or printing off floorplans,” says Tim. “The advent of

AVJ TV is a great support mechanism for this and takes our website

communication to the next level.”


“What we’ve done is seize the opportunity to create a 'portal' for home buyers,

where they can be informed, magazine-style, on content that provides a

departure from checklists, floorplans and the like.”

AVJennings sites statistical data from Google and Morgan Media showing new

home buyer reliance on the internet as a resource in home search is growing


The use of online media has increased to 44.7% - a growth of 18.5% between

2005 and 2007.  An overwhelming 85% of all home buyers use the internet to

find a home. 

Many property websites have multi-media content. However, AVJennings’ site

integrates all of this content on each page so there is no need to click through to

'mini sites' or download special media players. Tim says this difference is critical.

“This difference has become integral to the information gathering process.”

A factor involved in the creation of AVJ TV is the well-documented convergence

of TV and internet in recent times “We predict that in five to 10 years, switching

on your computer will be the same as switching on the TV,” he says.


Issued for AVJennings by Foster Hill PR & Marketing.  For more

information or images, contact Karyn Foster at Foster Hill PR 

on 08 8231 3555 or karynfoster@fosterhill.com.au

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