Och-ziff Capital Management Group Llc Announces New Senior Management Hires In Asia

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25th November 2008, 03:01pm - Views: 1536

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Och-Ziff Capital Management Group LLC Announces New Senior Management

Hires in Asia

NEW YORK, /PRNewswire-AsiaNet/ --

     Real Estate Investment Professionals to Focus on Building out Asia Real Estate Platform                     

Och-Ziff Capital Management Group LLC (NYSE: OZM) (“Och-Ziff”), today announced that it

has hired four senior real estate investment professionals in Asia in a continued effort to

augment Och-Ziff's global real estate capabilities. The four principals will join Och-Ziff Asia

Real Estate as Executive Managing Directors and will focus on building out an Asian real

estate platform in Hong Kong, Singapore, China, India and other countries throughout Asia

and the Pacific. 

The new hires include Zain Fancy, formerly Managing Director and Head of Morgan Stanley

Real Estate Investing ("MSREI") for Asia Pacific, Roy Kwok,  formerly Deputy Head of MSREI

China, Bharat Khanna, formerly Head of MSREI India and Anand Madduri, formerly

Managing Director and Portfolio Manager for the MSREI Special Situations Fund for Asia.

They will be based in Singapore, China, India and Hong Kong, respectively.

Och-Ziff Asia Real Estate will make investments in a variety of real estate and real estate-

related instruments including private and public equity securities, physical real estate assets

including existing properties, development and re-development projects, non-performing and

performing loans secured by real estate, convertible debt/preferred equity and various other

real estate-related investments.

"We are very pleased to have attracted these successful and experienced real estate

investment professionals,” said Dan Och, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Och-Ziff.

“This team is well known and respected in the region. We believe their hands-on expertise

and unique understanding of the Asian real estate markets will allow Och-Ziff to identify new

opportunities that create real value for our investors." 

About Och-Ziff Capital Management Group LLC 

Och-Ziff Capital Management Group LLC is one of the world’s largest institutional alternative

asset managers with offices in New York, London, Hong Kong, Tokyo, Bangalore and

Beijing. Och-Ziff’s funds seek to deliver consistent, positive, risk-adjusted returns throughout

market cycles, with a strong focus on capital preservation. Och-Ziff’s multi-strategy approach

combines global investment strategies, including merger arbitrage, convertible and derivative

arbitrage, equity restructuring, credit and distressed investments, private investments and

real estate. As of November 1, 2008, Och-Ziff had approximately $28.3 billion in estimated

assets under management with over 700 investor relationships. For more information, please

SOURCE Och-Ziff Capital Management Group LLC

CONTACT:  Investor Relations : Tina Madon, Managing Director and Head of Investor

Relations for Och-Ziff Capital Management Group LLC, +1-212-719-7381,

tina.madon@ozcap.com; or Media Relations: Steve Bruce or Chuck Dohrenwend, both of

The Abernathy MacGregor Group, for Och-Ziff Capital Management Group LLC, +1-212-371-


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