Sydney Real Estate Company Accused Of Sham Contracting, Underpaying Salesperson

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22nd July 2009, 10:00am - Views: 1259

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Fair Work Infoline: 13 13 94 

Media Release


22 July 2009

Sydney real estate company accused of sham

contracting, underpaying salesperson 

The federal workplace watchdog has launched a prosecution against a Sydney real estate

company and its director, alleging a property salesperson was underpaid more than $20,000

as a result of sham contracting. 

The Fair Work Ombudsman is prosecuting Land Choice Pty Ltd - which traded as Kingsford

First National Real Estate - and the company’s sole director, Sugiharto Sugiharto (correct), of


Documents lodged in the Federal Magistrates Court in Sydney allege the salesperson signed

an agreement with Land Choice titled “Independent Contractor Agreement” under which she

was to receive only commission payments.

It is alleged the woman then worked an average of 40 hours a week from March to

September 2007, but Land Choice paid her a total of only $1414.

The Fair Work Ombudsman claims the salesperson was wrongly classified as an independent


It says the woman should have classified as a full-time employee and been paid wages and

various entitlements totalling about $22,000.

Court papers allege Land Choice should have paid the salesperson at least $14.38 an hour

plus annual leave entitlements, locomotion allowance and payment in lieu of notice on

termination of her employment.

The Fair Work Ombudsman will also tell the Court that Land Choice failed to maintain proper

employment records. It is listed for hearing on November 10.

Executive Director Michael Campbell says the decision to prosecute was made because of

the seriousness of the alleged breaches of workplace law and the failure to rectify the alleged


The Fair Work Ombudsman aims to promote harmonious, productive and co-operative

workplaces. It also monitors compliance and investigates breaches of national workplace


Employers or employees seeking assistance should contact the Fair Work Infoline on 13 13

94 or visit

Media inquiries: 

Craig Bildstien, Director Media & Stakeholder Relations. 0419 818 484.

Ryan Pedler, Media and Stakeholder Relations Adviser. (03) 9954 2561, 0434 365 924.

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