Redspot Car Rentals Expands Its South Asian Markets

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1st September 2010, 03:34pm - Views: 1037

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1 September 2010




Sydney, NSW.  Dan Mekler, Founding Managing Director of Red Spot Car

Rentals, announced in Sydney today that Redspot has appointed Travolution

Marketing as the General Sales Agent (GSA) to represent the Australian car

rental company in Singapore and Malaysia. 

The Redspot GSA will promote Redspot Car Rentals superior products and

services to Singapore and Malaysian based travel agents and wholesalers.

This appointment will facilitate reservations and allow payment in Singapore

Dollars and Malaysian Ringgit.

Redspot is Australia’s largest independent car rental company with locations

on and off-airports across Australia. It has grown its business over the past

twenty one years through its delivery of value and transparency in car rental

service and pricing and through gaining exposure to airline passenger


Due to the growing interest and demand in Australian self drive holidays

from both Singapore and Malaysia markets, Redspot sees it as a good

opportunity on which to capitalise. A dedicated personnel in market will

allow Redspot to service the clients' needs more effectively and promptly.

Redspot offers a superior product with a comprehensive vehicle fleet and wide

network in Australia with competitive rates.

Redspot Singapore office will officially commence operations at the upcoming

NATAS and MATTA Fairs scheduled for Singapore and Malaysia in August

and September, and these Fairs will be represented by Simone Mekler, Dina

Mekler and Janie Long.

For more information, please contact:

Dan Mekler

Managing Director | REDSPOT CAR RENTALS

m: +61 409 500 409 t: +61 2 8303 2201 f: +61 2 8303 2251

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