Otis Wins Contract For Landmark Development In Seoul
21st October 2009 -
Views: 797
Otis Elevator Company was awarded a contract from AIG Korean Real Estate Development YH to provide 125 elevators, escalators and moving walkways for International Finance Centre (IFC) Seoul in Korea.
Trampoline Safety Review Welcomed: 9000 Kids Hospitalized Per Year Isn't Okay
20th October 2009 -
Views: 947
Springfree Trampoline welcomes the New South Wales Minister for Fair Trade's review into trampoline safety.
Major Companies Attracted To $100 Million Act Estate
20th October 2009 -
Views: 889
Created by one of Australia’s leading property development groups, Walker Corporation, the estate has attracted major listed infrastructure group Downer EDI Ltd and local freight transporter, Innaimo Transport.
Iga With Caritas Ships Aid To Tsunami Affected Samoa
20th October 2009 -
Views: 937
IGA (Independent Grocers of Australia) are delivering 48 tones of donated food supplies to those affected by the tsunamis in Samoa. They are being shipped out tomorrow on the landing ship HMAS Tobruk .
Another Top-ranking For Kellogg-hkust Emba
20th October 2009 -
Views: 879
The Kellogg-HKUST Executive MBA program has surpassed all leading institutions in the world as it has once again been ranked no. 1 by the Financial Times 2009 EMBA global rankings.