Notice To The Market About Petrobras Global Offer
4th September 2010 -
Views: 850
Petrobras (BM&FBOVESPA: PETR3; PETR4) has informed that this Friday
(Sept. 3) it filed with the Comissao de Valores Mobiliarios, the Brazilian
securities regulator or CVM, a Public Offering request for primary
distribution of 2,174,073,900 new common shares.
Fannie Mae Redemption 181
4th September 2010 -
Views: 875
Fannie Mae exists to expand affordable housing and bring global capital to local communities in order to serve the U.S. housing market.
Skins Launches In China To Release The First Compression Sportswear Brand
3rd September 2010 -
Views: 7353
Australian sportswear specialists, SKINS, officially launched their
partnership with LI-NING, the largest Chinese sports brand. The joint cooperation will deliver “LI-NING
SKINS”, superior quality engineered gradient compression sportswear to the Chinese market.
Bradesco Announces 2010 Apimec Meeting Webcast
3rd September 2010 -
Views: 903
The meeting will be attended by Bradesco's Executive Board and aims to
share the main events and information on the bank's products and investments.
Wincor Nixdorf Establishes Retail Partnership With Leopard Enterprise Solutions
2nd September 2010 -
Views: 911
"Leopard Systems engagement with existing retailers gives Wincor Nixdorf confidence that we can work with the new business, Leopard Enterprise Solutions, to offer innovative IT solutions and new operating concepts to retailers to reduce total cost of ownership and accelerate return on investment," added Phay.