16 Ports And 4 Ip Users: Adder Turns Up The Heat On Existing Kvm-over-ip Technologies
28th April 2010 -
Views: 1800
Adder ( http://www.adder.com/welcome.aspx ), a leading developer of KVM switches, extenders and KVM over IP solutions, today announced the availability of the CATxIP5000 ( http://www.adder.com/uk/products/adderviewcatxip5000.aspx ).
Australia, Greece, Portugal And Russia Join Parrot Certified Installer Program (cip)
28th April 2010 -
Views: 985
Today the program counts more than 2,900 members in nine countries (excluding the new countries) and is aimed at installers with a double objective: to develop a long-lasting relationship between the brand and its retailers, and to enhance user experience at the time of the installation of a Parrot hands-free system.
Wolters Kluwer Tax & Accounting To Acquire Tax Compliance Software Products From Ernst & Young Austr
28th April 2010 -
Views: 990
Wolters Kluwer Tax & Accounting has agreed to acquire the Tax Compliance Software (TCS) products Tax Integrator, Fringe Benefits Tax Organiser and Global Integrator from Ernst & Young Australia.
Titan Ic Systems Announces Pcie Based Regex Offload Solutions For Security Appliances
28th April 2010 -
Views: 974
The Hyperion 10G is a high performance PCIe accelerator card, targeted for offloading traditional software based regex content analysis tasks for a range of security applications requiring small form factor and low power consumption, without compromising performance.
Exinda And Contentkeeper Collaborate To Deliver Combined Web Gateway Security And Wan Optimization S
28th April 2010 -
Views: 1108
The one-box solution combines a virtual instance of Exinda's ExOS WAN
Optimization software, running within a virtualized services instance on
ContentKeeper's powerful enterprise-level Web Security Gateway (CK-WSG) technology
platform and patented collaborative filtering process.