Ee Times Group's Esc Silicon Valley Event Keynotes Draw Standing-room Only Crowds
30th April 2010 -
Views: 1022
In his "Challenges for the Next 20 Years" keynote address, Dr. Kaku imparted his
vision for the 21st century where electronics innovation makes popular science
fiction themes a reality, particularly for medical applications.
Chinese 'green' Manufacturer Novarise Renewable Resources International Ltd Lists On The Asx Today
29th April 2010 -
Views: 1179
One of China's leading green manufacturers, Novarise Renewable Resources International Ltd, is pleased to announce its debut on the
Australian Securities Exchange ("ASX") today, Thursday, 29 April 2010 at 11.00 am (Sydney time),
under the symbol NOE.
Banco Bradesco - First Quarter 2010 Results
29th April 2010 -
Views: 1012
Adjusted Net Income(1) in the first quarter of 2010 was R$2.147
billion (an increase of 9.8% from R$1.956 billion in the first quarter of
Westinghouse Agreement With Infotech Enterprises Ltd. Augments Engineering Staff In India
28th April 2010 -
Views: 1133
WIEC will be located at Infotech's campus in Hyderabad and will be
staffed with Infotech employees dedicated solely to working for Westinghouse.
Western Digital(r) To Acquire Hoya's Magnetic Media Operations
28th April 2010 -
Views: 929
Western Digital Corporation (NYSE: WDC) announced today that it has agreed to purchase the magnetic media sputtering operations of Hoya Corporation and Hoya Magnetics Singapore Pte. Ltd. for 22 billion yen
(approximately US$235 million) in an all-cash transaction.