21 Degrees Sa Launches Its Iphone Application With Weather Gps That Locates Your Telephone And Provi
5th February 2010 -
Views: 948
21 degrees SA, http://www.21degrees.com , today launches at the Apple Store its application of meteorological geo-location for the entire world - and with total simplicity.
- Cantalk Wireless First In The World To Sell Domain Names Using Retail Cards
5th February 2010 -
Views: 684
Telnic ( ht tp://telnic.tel ), the organization behind the award-winning .tel names, and Webnames.ca ( http://webnames.ca ), Canada's original domain registrar, today announced that they have collaborated on the first-ever retail cards for .tel names to be sold in shops and stores.
Fannie Mae Redemption 14
5th February 2010 -
Views: 617
Fannie Mae (NYSE: FNM) will redeem the principal amounts indicated for
the following securities issues on the redemption dates indicated below.
Mwm At The Enerexpo In Vietnam
5th February 2010 -
Views: 655
The EnerExpo that will be held from March 17 to 19 in Hanoi, Vietnam, is an international specialized exhibition for renewable and decentralized energy solutions of the global energy, power, and supplier industry, offering an attractive market platform for the first time.
Nsw Innovation Advisory Service Launched
4th February 2010 -
Views: 655
Alchemy Innovation Development announces the launch of a free consultation service to all NSW-based inventors, innovators and small businesses.