New Employment Laws Make Doing Business Harder
31st December 2009 -
Views: 825
ACCI represents over 350,000 businesses in every State and Territory and all industries. Our network employs around 4 million employees, ranging from the top 100 companies to tens of thousands of small and medium businesses.
Axa A Golden Chance For Government To Flex Some Muscle: Finance Sector Union
22nd December 2009 -
Views: 839
The union, which represents workers at AXA and NAB, which wants to buy it, said the Government can’t afford to ask nicely because it is clear finance companies do not listen.
Korn/ferry Executive Quiz Shows Drop In Corporate Holiday Celebration Plans
22nd December 2009 -
Views: 696
The most recent Executive Quiz results released today by the Korn/Ferry Institute indicate the recession may be taking a bite out of corporate holiday budgets and gift-giving.
Spaa Welcomes Phase 3 Of Cooper Review
17th December 2009 -
Views: 863
The Self-Managed Super Fund Professionals’ Association of Australia (SPAA) has welcomed the release of the Cooper Review’s Phase 3 Issues paper, applauding the inclusion of many issues raised by SPAA for discussion and debate.
Gfc Meant Changes For One In Two Australians
16th December 2009 -
Views: 818
While Australia has been tipped the `lucky country' during the last twelve months of global economic upheaval, almost half (48 percent) of all Australians made changes to their financial arrangements in response to the global financial crisis.