Chinese Green Manufacturer Lodges Ipo Prospectus 1
4th February 2010 -
Views: 1036
One of China's leading green manufacturers has announced plans to raise between A$25 million to
A$32 million, from an Initial Public Offer ("IPO") on the Australian Securities Exchange.
Will Borrowers Know Where The True Market Benchmark Is?
2nd February 2010 -
Views: 866
“And as the alignment between bank rates continues to fragment, this now means more borrowers must consider the rates of all lenders as well as placing value on the service and features that go with a loan – both of which can make a significant difference to their back pocket,” she adds.
Heritage Members Protected By New Industry Code Of Practice
2nd February 2010 -
Views: 837
Since February 1 2010, members banking with Australia's largest building society are amongst the first Australians to be protected under a new Code of Practice for credit unions and building societies.
Igr Report Highlights Need For Retirement Savings Debate
1st February 2010 -
Views: 829
“As the costs of an ageing population continuing to escalate, it becomes even more critical that we lift the SG to 12 % to ensure that as a nation we are less vulnerable to a blowout in age pension costs and that, as individuals, our retirement savings last longer, ” said Ms Reynolds.
Retiree Savings Turned Into Bank Profits
1st February 2010 -
Views: 851
“At the heart of the current crisis is the action of some banks to take advantage of the downturn where the valuation of a property has reduced to force the unlisted property trust into a higher rate of interest or to roll over their loan for short periods, incurring excessive fees.