Finance Press Releases & Articles 376 - 380 of 976

Aercap Signs Two Debt Facility Agreements; $846 Million Eca A320 Delivery Funding Facility And $86 M starstarstarstarstar   13th March 2009 - Views: 691 Aercap Signs Two Debt Facility Agreements; $846 Million Eca A320 Delivery Funding Facility And $86 M The aircraft are part of an original 70 aircraft order placed by AerVenture Limited in January 2006. The European Export Credit Agencies consist of Coface in France, ECGD in the United Kingdom, and Euler-Hermes in Germany.

Eft Biotech Holdings, Inc. Retains Aero Strategic Advisory. starstarstarstarstar   13th March 2009 - Views: 812 Eft Biotech Holdings, Inc. Retains Aero Strategic Advisory. Based in Las Vegas, Nevada, Aero Strategic Advisory will assist EFT BioTech in a number of capacities, including corporate communications, handling of investor inquires, dissemination of news, business development and other services

Fannie Mae Redemption 162 starstarstarstarstar   10th March 2009 - Views: 777 Fannie Mae Redemption 162 Fannie Mae exists to expand affordable housing and bring global capital to local communities in order to serve the U.S. housing market.

Ifmr Capital And Equitas Conclude First-ever Rated Securitisation Of Micro Loans In India starstarstarstarstar   10th March 2009 - Views: 854 Ifmr Capital And Equitas Conclude First-ever Rated Securitisation Of Micro Loans In India In a path breaking deal in the micro-finance sector, IFMR Capital and Equitas Micro Finance India Pvt Ltd (Equitas) have completed the first rated micro loan pool backed securitisation with a principal amount of pass-through certificates (PTCs or securities) equal to Rs.

Executives Expect Lengthy Job Searches In Today's Economy, According To Latest Korn/ferry Executive starstarstarstarstar   10th March 2009 - Views: 671 Executives Expect Lengthy Job Searches In Today's Economy, According To Latest Korn/ferry Executive Today’s economy presents job seekers with unrivaled challenges, uncertainty and the expectation of prolonged periods of unemployment, according Executive Quiz results released today by The Korn/Ferry Institute.

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