Csafe Signs Master Lease With Cathay Pacific Airways To Further Enhance Healthcare And Pharmaceutica
17th June 2010 -
Views: 1092
The agreement enhances the product offerings provided by Cathay Pacific's PHARMA LIFT service in meeting the needs of healthcare and pharmaceutical customers that require strict temperature control of their products during transport.
Bsr Guide Reveals Path To Energy Efficiency For Companies' China-based Suppliers
16th June 2010 -
Views: 1046
While energy-efficiency investments in China are cost-effective, challenges related to the country's regulatory structure, professional energy-service-provider industry, and lack of information about opportunities and standards for measuring emissions often prevent companies from capitalizing on this opportunity.
Viettel Chooses Infogin To Introduce Advanced Mobile Data Services
16th June 2010 -
Views: 873
InfoGin ( http://www.infogin.com) , the pioneer and market leader in providing telco-grade mobile browsing solutions, announced today that Viettel ( http://www.viettel.com.vn) , the leading telecommunications company in Vietnam, has selected InfoGin's Content Adaptation technology to power Viettel's mobile services.
Risi Launches New Portuguese Edition To Cover Pulp And Paper Markets And Prices In Latin America
16th June 2010 -
Views: 1084
PPI Latin America is used by professionals in the pulp and paper industry to stay on top of market news; track prices currently being paid for key grades of wood pulp, recovered paper, packaging paper and board, newsprint, and printing and writing papers; and better understand issues that are impacting regional and global markets.
Silverfast(r) Now With Customized Canon Canoscan 9000f Version
16th June 2010 -
Views: 1144
As of today LaserSoft Imaging is offering a specially adapted version of its professional scanning software, SilverFast, for Canon's new CanoScan 9000F. SilverFast guarantees a considerable increase in quality and productivity.