Human Resources Press Releases & Articles 36 - 40 of 130

Alexander Mann Solutions Founder Named 2010 Hro Superstar starstarstarstarstar   12th January 2010 - Views: 1422 Rosaleen Blair is widely credited with pioneering the concept of recruitment process outsourcing and continues to lead from the front, with her vision and creativity driving the business and its people forward to further success.

Employers Need To Ensure They Understand New Workplace Rules starstarstarstarstar   3rd January 2010 - Views: 1397 Employers Need To Ensure They Understand New Workplace Rules "The National Employment Standards and modern awards deal with day-to-day employment issues such as minimum pay rates, hours of work and leave entitlements.

Workplace Regulator Recoups $9500 Backpay For Townsville Tradesman starstarstarstarstar   22nd December 2009 - Views: 1268 The tradesman lodged a complaint when he was made redundant but was not paid his full severance pay and accrued annual leave entitlements.

Gold Coast Hinterland Farm Back-pays Two Workers $22,000 starstarstarstarstar   21st December 2009 - Views: 1528 Gold Coast Hinterland Farm Back-pays Two Workers $22,000 The farm hands lodged complaints after they became aware they were being underpaid the minimum hourly rate, public holiday rates and overtime rates.

Real Estate Firm Fined $30,000 Over Sham Contracting And Underpayment starstarstarstarstar   18th December 2009 - Views: 1266 Real Estate Firm Fined $30,000 Over Sham Contracting And Underpayment Land Choice Pty Ltd, which traded as Kingsford First National Real Estate until October, 2008, has been fined $24,600 - and sole director Sugiharto Sugiharto ( correct ) a further $4840 for his involvement.

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