$12,600 Recovered For Wa Wheatbelt Workers
3rd November 2010 -
Views: 1307
Two workers in Western Australia’s Wheatbelt have been reimbursed $12,600
after recent investigations by the Fair Work Ombudsman found they were
$120,000 Back-pay For Workers In Perth
2nd November 2010 -
Views: 1221
The biggest recovery was $20,000 for a Canning Vale company director who was
underpaid annual leave entitlements.
Fair Work Inspectors To Make Educational Visits To Newcastle
1st November 2010 -
Views: 1599
Fair Work inspectors will doorknock businesses to provide information packs to employers who have entered the national workplace relations system. Inspectors will visit about 50 businesses in Charlestown and a further 50 across Georgetown , Waratah , Warabrook and Sandgate.
National Hotel Chain Back-pays Workers $53,000
29th October 2010 -
Views: 1238
A national hotel chain with more than 30 hotels and resorts across Australia has
reimbursed 165 of its workers a total of $53,000 after an investigation by the Fair Work
Ombudsman found they were underpaid.
Year One For Fair Work Ombudsman
28th October 2010 -
Views: 1215
Fair Work websites recorded a total of more than 3.6 million hits and practical resources such as fact sheets, self-audit checklists, how-to-guides and templates were downloaded more than 1.2 million times.