Coles Takes Steps To Help The Planet With National Launch Of New Reusable Bags 1st September 2009 - Views: 1435 In its effort to reduce the number of single use plastic bags and encourage greater use of reusable bags when shopping, Coles Supermarkets has launched, nationally, a range of new bag options available for customers to purchase in store.
Expert Comment On Australian Supermarkets 3rd August 2009 - Views: 1525 RMIT University’s Professor Michael Beverland said Australian retailers were decades behind the industry overseas.
Retail Shows Stability, Despite Downturn 24th June 2009 - Views: 1222 Retail shows stability, despite downturn Service Skills Australia, the industry skills council for the service industries, has welcomed data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics that shows positive development in the accommodation and food services, and retail sectors.
Before You Sign A Retail Lease 23rd June 2009 - Views: 1611 "A landlord must provide a tenant with a copy of the Information Brochure whennegotiating a new retail lease,” Mr. Brennan said.
New Way To Pay For Fuel 20th April 2009 - Views: 1475 "As a special launch bonus, customers who use epump to pay for their fuel will receive 10 cents off per litre on fuel at participating Caltex Woolworths co- branded fuel outlets until 30 June 2009," Mr Narsey said.