Reiv Releases November Rental Vacancy Data For Victoria
17th December 2009 -
Views: 1154
REIV CEO Enzo Raimondo said that the rental vacancy rate in regional Victoria was 0.8 per cent, down from one per cent in October; and 1.5 per cent in Melbourne, up from 1.4 per cent in October.
1095 Homes To Be Auctioned This Weekend
12th December 2009 -
Views: 1114
REIV CEO Enzo Raimondo said that there were 1095 auctions this weekend - an increase on a fortnight ago when 1050 homes were auctioned.
1095 Homes To Be Auctioned This Weekend 1
11th December 2009 -
Views: 1169
REIV CEO Enzo Raimondo said that there were 1095 auctions this weekend - an increase on a fortnight ago when 1050 homes were auctioned.
Australia's Property Millionaire Factory
3rd December 2009 -
Views: 1163
“Time and location – with those two ingredients you can become a property millionaire,” Stuart Wemyss from ProSolution Private Clients tells API.
Approvals For Private Houses Rise This Month: Abs
1st December 2009 -
Views: 1278
However, the total number of dwellings approved fell 0.6% mainly driven by a large fall in other residential dwellings (-17.9%).