Bagging A Property Bargain
1st September 2009 -
Views: 1394
The terms ‘bargain’ and ‘discount property’ are being flung around like an imitation Prada bag among property investors and in the media, but it’s not until the stitches loosen and the fake leather tears that you discover what’s really below the surface.
Sydney Real Estate Company Accused Of Sham Contracting, Underpaying Salesperson
22nd July 2009 -
Views: 1258
Documents lodged in the Federal Magistrates Court in Sydney allege the salesperson signed an agreement with Land Choice titled “Independent Contractor Agreement” under which she was to receive only commission payments.
Steven Abbott Wins Reiv's Senior Auctioneers Competition For 2009
16th July 2009 -
Views: 1285
REIV President Adrian Jones congratulated Mr Abbott, remarking that he displayed a high degree of technical proficiency and professionalism.
Homebuyers Challenge Banks Over Break Fees
29th June 2009 -
Views: 1333
Customers seeking compensation for excessive fees charged by banks have “inundated” the law firm with their claims, says managing director James Middleweek.
Unemployment And Job Security Key Drivers Of Concern For A Declining Property Market, Survey Reveals
24th May 2009 -
Views: 1212
Sixty nine per cent of property seekers believe increasing unemployment is having a negative impact on the Australian property market, a new survey has found.