Boost Your Creativity With An Rmit Advertising Upgrade 17th November 2008 - Views: 1250 Looking for the best and brightest graduates for your advertising agency? Why not upgrade your “software” to the RMIT 08 Advertising - Creative Suite (Graduate Edition).
A Total Ban Is The Only Way To Go 24th October 2008 - Views: 1259 “This simply isn’t good enough – previous volunteer codes around advertising have been shown to be ineffective.
Heattech - The Warm-up And Stay-warm Range Of Wear Global Try It Campaign 16th October 2008 - Views: 1679 In the second of its UNIQLO TRY programs, UNIQLO is conducting a Global Try It Campaign for HEATTECH - try out both the "heat creation function" that absorbs moisture evaporating from the body and turns it into heat energy, and the "insulation function" that prevents the heat from escaping.
Suzuki Gets Local Ad Agency For Worldwide Launch 2nd September 2008 - Views: 1556 The agency competed against over 20 international agencies on the Suzuki advertising and marketing roster and has developed a campaign comprising of 60, 30 and 15 sec television commercials that will run in over 30 countries.
Student Animations Bring Mobiles To Life 23rd July 2008 - Views: 1277 RMIT University student Sam Yang has struck gold with his first attempt at designing fun animations for mobile phones, securing a distribution deal with a mobile content company.